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Biodigester and water reuse system built during the Aksaam Exchange, start to work in the community that received the activity

As part of the activities of the International Exchange “Semiáridos da América Latina”, promoted by Cetra, in partnership with Aksaam, the biodigester and the water reuse system implemented in the house of the farmer Jaqueline, who lives in the Água Doce community, began to work. rural area of ​​Sobral, Ceará. The construction of these structures was accompanied by the participants of the event, and just over a month after this phase, the home's stove is already receiving gas from the biodigester.

These technologies have been changing the lives of many farmers in the semi-arid northeast, and are part of the work of projects supported by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) across the country. These are structures that symbolize the work focused on agroecology and management, sustainable coexistence with the semi-arid region, in addition to having a direct impact on the income of beneficiaries.